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Boti Recicla
Role: Concept lead
Brazil disposes of about 2.4 million tons of plastic in an irregular way, being the fourth largest producer of plastic waste in the world.
When we address the issue of sustainability to children, it is no longer about responsibility or ethics, but hope and dreams.
Children have the power to change tomorrow from their imagination and love for the future.
In this campaign, we created a narrative fromm children's perspective, who, in their own rooms and during playtime, imagine the world they want to live in.

O Boticário usa plástico reciclado para melhorar estrutura de escolas no país
O Boticário transforma plástico reciclado para melhorar estrutura de escolas em todo Brasil
Boticário quer usar plástico reciclado para melhorar a estrutura de escolas

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